It has taken a generation, but cities across the country have finally learned that suburbanism doesn’t work. Both Baby Boomers and Millennials are leaving the suburbs in search of true urban communities where they can live, work, and play without getting in the car.
As the only true urban living destination in Southern New Mexico, Downtown Las Cruces has all the key components necessary to thrive.
Key Component #1: Jobs
Over 5,000 of the highest paying jobs in Las Cruces are located within a 1 mile radius of downtown, and 13,000 of the city’s highest paying jobs are within a 3 mile radius. As downtown grows and thrives, new businesses arrive bringing a diversified economy for our downtown community.
Key Component #2: Local Support
Downtown Las Cruces has all of the partner necessary for success including, Las Cruces Community Partners, Downtown Las Cruces Partnership, Project Mainstreet, and the City of Las Cruces.
These organizations are committed to public/private partnerships to support economic development in the city’s urban core. LCCP offers turnkey solutions; we design/build & city permitting, financing, turnkey developer of downtown Las Cruces.
Key Component #3: Timing
The new downtown plaza nearing completion. Downtown is already home to a wide-range of events and activities. Thanks to the efforts of Project Mainstreet, there were over 23 events downtown last year alone. The Las Cruces Farmers and Crafters Market is an award winning attraction for downtown Las Cruces. Thanks to the efforts of LCCP, both public and private properties downtown are available to lease for private use. That means more there’s space for your business to grow downtown.