The process to redevelop Downtown Las Cruces began 25 years ago. After years of planning and the reopening of Main Street downtown LC is now poised to become a model for urban renewal and redevelopment.
Key Components of the Plan:
- 2013 update of downtown plan and charrette by Place Makers LLC
- First Plan and Charrette completed in 2005 by Site Southwest
- Creation of the Metropolitan Redevelopment Area (MRA)
- Creation of the TIDD to provide tax revenues to bond public improvements
- Reopening of Main Street
- LCCP agreement to be master developer for downtown and option City land and buildings
- Walker Parking Study completed
- Mayors Ad hoc committee report
- UNM Business and economic report updated
- New loft apartments break ground in 2014
- City Council and TIDD Board approve Plaza and budget
Projects will require detailed feasibility studies to recruit users and attract investment and financing. Following are some of the uses that already exist or will be studied in detail.
Downtown Las Cruces Plaza Concept Rendering by Placemakers Creation of a central Plaza
- Market rate apartments
- Retail establishments
- Restaurants and specialty food
- Entertainment
- Fitness center
- Boutique hotel
- Seniors’ housing
- Assisted living center
- Medical offices and clinics
- NMSU Learning Center
- Grocery store
- Arts and culture venues
- General office space
- Records and file storage center
- Parking structures
- Transportation hub